Did you know that perspex is actually a brand name for acrylic sheets, and not the product itself?
There’s a lot to know when it comes to plastic. So to clear things up, here is a list of different types of plastic and when to use them:
Acrylic is a perfect solution for both indoor and outdoor application. When it comes to things such as signage, fabrication, point of sale, framing and glazing, acrylic is extremely suitable.
As acrylic suppliers, Plastics Plus stock a complete range of acrylic sheets and mirrors which can come clear, tinted or in colours. Our products are also available in a range of sheet thicknesses and sizes and can be cut to size to suit your requirements. We are the key UK partners with 3A Composites for Crylux® and Crylon® Acrylic sheets.
Polycarbonate sheet materials are suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications. They can be used for applications such as: fabrication, street furniture, signage, point of sale and glazing. While Multi-wall Polycarbonate solutions are suitable for roofing, glazing, shelters and partitions.
Plastics Plus stock an extensive range of Polycarbonate sheet materials, manufactured by ArlaPlast. We have standard and UV Protected Sheets which come in a range of clear, opal, bronze and grey tints. They can also be cut to size and come in a range of sheet thicknesses and sizes.
PETG (Polyethylene terephthalate Glycol) is best used for fabrication, street furniture, signage, point of sale and glazing. It is also suitable for both indoor and outdoor use.
Plastics Plus stocks an extensive range of PETG sheets, including Hipex® G. Hipex® G is the rebranded name for Polycasa Spectar PETG for which Plastics Plus remains the UK’s exclusive distributor.
The Hipex® range is available in a range of sheet thicknesses and sizes, can be cut-to-size to suit your requirements, and is UV protected.
PVC is great for a multitude of applications, such as: signage, point of sale, and framing. They can also be guillotined to a size to suit your requirements – as well as being available in different sheet thicknesses, sizes and standard colours.
At Plastics Plus, we offer both Thin Gauge (Calendered) PVC and Foam PVC with a range of thicknesses from 140 microns to 900 microns. Our Welding Grade PVC is also perfect to use in welding screens.
Polystyrene is great to use on projects which include picture framing, shower doors and indoor glazing. Again, it is fine to use on either indoor or outdoor applications.
At Plastics Plus, we offer an extensive range of Polystyrene sheet materials with both gloss and anti-reflective sheets available. You can choose from a number of different patterns and sheet sizes, cut to size to suit your requirements.
SAN (Styrene Acrylonitrile) is suitable for things like industrial door glazing, greenhouse glazing, screen printing and covers for foodstuffs. With high levels of rigidity, SAN allows for a thinner sheet to be used in comparison to acrylic or polystyrene.
As comprehensive plastic suppliers, we are happy to supply an extensive range of SAN sheets in various thicknesses and sheet sizes that can be cut to meet your exact requirements.
APET (amorphous polyethene terephthalate) is perfect for flat and cold bending applications, with good printability and flame retardant properties.
It is appropriate for external use, such as plastic panelling for advertisements, timetable cases, poster covers, A-boards, and street sellers. But is also suitable for internal applications such as cold food storage elements and protective glazing for machinery.
Plastics Plus is the key UK partner with the manufacturer 3A Composites for Hipex® A sheet. We offer an extensive range of APET sheets, in a range of thicknesses and sheet sizes which can be cut to size to suit your requirements.
For more details on all of the plastics we can provide at Plastics Plus, why not check out our website today?