Home » Introducing NUDEC PC RW to our eco-friendly product range!

Eco-friendly plastic alternative

NUDEC PC RW is the latest addition to our eco-friendly plastic sheet product range, and the first certified transparent polycarbonate sheet, based on renewable feedstock. If you are looking for a material that is cost-effective, sustainable, durable, lightweight and transparent, then our renewable polycarbonate plastic sheet might be something of interest to you. Although it cannot be considered as recycled polycarbonate, as it hasn’t been made from regrind materials, it can in fact be quite easily recycled once it has served its purpose.

One of our key missions as a business is to start introducing more and more innovative and eco-conscious products to our ever-growing plastic range, with the intention of reducing plastic waste and carbon footprint. In the next near future, we plan to introduce more recycled plastic, such as recycled PETG and APET to further expand our eco-conscious product range.

As a key plastic sheet supplier, we are always looking for ways to optimise our industrial processes to work alongside our sustainability strategy with the goal of becoming an eco-conscious business.

The renewable polycarbonate sheet contains a certain percentage of raw materials that originate from a renewable source, making it the ideal eco-friendly plastic alternative to your sustainable business.

Snippet of Nudec PC document

Key benefits

A great benefit to using our renewable polycarbonate plastic sheets is that they are extremely durable and lightweight. This makes it an ideal material for fences, glazing, electronic components, partitions, auto parts and more!

Moreover, NUDEC PC RW “uses non-fossil ISCC PLUS certified feedstocks allowing the final product an opportunity to significantly lower the carbon footprint of up to 61% and reduces the depletion of fossil-based sources by up to 35%” as stated by Ian Smithson, Sales Manager, UK, Eire and Scandinavia at NUDEC SA. This makes NUDEC PC RW a great alternative to other less eco-friendly plastic materials whilst offering the same benefits and uses.


The renewable polycarbonate plastic sheets can be seen used in the production of various electronic elements such as phone chargers, printers and laptop covers.

NUDEC PC RW is also very similar to recycled polycarbonate in terms of its properties, although it has not been produced from a regrind material like our Crylux RE plastic material. NUDEC PC RW offers many beneficial properties such as:

  • Resistance to chemicals
  • High impact resistance
  • The perfect filter for UV light
  • Thermal Conductor
  • Highly transparent
  • 250 times as strong as glass

If you are a sustainable business or searching for ways to reduce your carbon footprint, consider switching your plastic sheet material to our new NUDEC PC RW. Our plastic sheet experts are always on hand to answer any questions you may have and recommend the best product for your needs.
